Author of books for kids about wildlife, nature, space, weather, and more!



What's my full name?

Mary Kay Carson

(Hear about my name...)

Where do I live?

Cincinnati, Ohio

Do I have a Family?

My husband, Tom Uhlman, is a photographer and videographer. We do some books together, as a team.

Do I have any pets?

Of course! A young mystery mixed-breed dog named Ziggy, a tuxedo cat Shamu, and an aquarium full of fish.

Writing is my job

Do I visit Schools?

Absolutely! I love to talk with students about writing nonfiction, my books, space, bats, rhinos, the underground railroad, and other stuff. My Author Visits page has details.

What book am I writing now?

I’m writing a book about stopping extinction.

What's my favorite book?

Emi and the Rhino Scientist will always hold a very special place in my heart. Everyone misses you, Emi!

How do I get to be a writer?

I studied biology in college, not writing, and didn’t know I liked writing until I was in my 20s and in the Peace Corps. Read the full story in the Something About the Author biography.

Why do I so often write about scientists?

Because that's what I wanted to be growing up. Read my longer answer on the Celebrate Science site: Nonfiction Authors Dig Deep by Mary Kay Carson.

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